Fitness Optimus – New Art of Body Gym (2019)
ICU 2019
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Cluj, UBB Cluj, Bistrița Extension
Functional measurement and evaluation contribute, in a favorable way, towards optimizing the time of training, education and development of motor qualities (eg. strength, speed, aerobic or anaerobic resistance) not only in performance sport but also in sport for everyone where by these measurements we can optimize somatic transformations (perimeters, kg, cm) but especially the functional ones (F.C., F.R., Vo2max) if they are analyzed, interpreted and adjusted according to the goals of the athlete.
In this essay we will interpret one of the functional indicators that when being measured, analyzed and interpreted can significantly contribute to optimizing the results of the subject in relation to its objectives.
Keywords: Fitness, motor measurement and evaluation, personal trainer, heart rate, aerobic effort, mixed effort, anaerobic effort, New Art of Body Gym – holistic approach in fitness.
The essential part
Both in performance sport and in sport for everyone we often meet athletes and coaches who use different measuring and evaluation tools in order to optimize their effort parameters in relation to their goals. Probably a statistic would confirm their less significant number compared to athletes and coaches who do not make any measurements, some of them even having results as well. The latter would probably greatly improve their time to achieve results, the number of athletes and their performances, if they considered a systematic training and also adapted to measurable transformations, not a “blind” or “plan template” one. However, our essay does not concern this aspect of statistics between some and the others, but of measuring and evaluating an indicative, which if optimally adjusted, participates to the improvement of the following aspects:
- the parameters of physical effort;
- physical condition (fitness);
Usually the recreational-fitness sport has recreational and compensatory functions. However, there is a fairly large segment of people who practice recreational sport and who outline their goals directly targeting certain motor qualities. Among the clients who participate in the “personal training” programs we often hear:
“I want to lose weight!”, “I want muscle tone!”, “I want to increase my stamina for the marathon … X!”, “I want to improve my speed for athletic competition … within the admission exam of the X Academy”,” I want to keep fit! “,” I want to increase my muscle mass! “,” I want to relax playing sports “,” I want to consume my energy “, an so on.
All these wishes (goals) are found in most of those who practice the sport for everyone. What are the differences between these goals and those of performance sport? Probably only the fact that some of them are legitimized in some sports clubs and train in this context, the others doing it … as a way of living. And both of them, among those who take part in different sports events, participate in competitions, some of them being common.
However, regardless of where these athletes come from and “where?” or “how?” are they trained, they have in principle similar objectives, to improve the motor qualities related to their personal purpose. And not infrequently we meet cases, among the winners, athletes who come from private programs (personal training) without belonging to any performance sports club.
In this context, and within our essay, we propose you, for the beginning, to define conceptually, with a general appearance, some of the notions that can facilitate the course of our work and its role in the evolution of the fitness industry and even beyond it. The multivalent semantics of the notion of fitness often produces interpretations even in the case of specialists and the term of motor qualities as well.
What is fitness for you?
Optimizarea efortului fizic la persoanele supraponderale (2018)
RUS Virgil , PhD Assist. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Cluj, UBB Cluj, Extension Bistrița
Creșterea numărului de persoane supraponderale în rândul copiilor și rata semnificativă de abandon (scutiri medicale), privind participarea la lecțiile de Educație fizică și Sport, sunt aspecte datorate unor cauze multiple. Menționăm două dintre acestea:
* Educația primită din partea părinților;
* Implicarea, creativitatea, improvizarea și harul profesorului de Educație fizică și sport în lecțiile pe care le predă;
Cuvinte cheie: Efortul fizic, fitness, supraponderal, intensitate optimă
Tendințe în evoluția somatică la persoanele de gen feminin (2019)
Diferențele morfologice dintre femeie și bărbat sunt evidente prin aspectele cu care natura însăși ne-a înzestrat de la apariția noastră ca specie pe pământ. Deosebirile care confirmă acest lucru apar în general în perioada pubertății. În această etapă, la persoanele de gen masculin, apar schimbări ale vocii (se îngroașă), crește pilozitatea și se evidențiază masa musculară. La persoanele de gen feminin li se dezvoltă sânii (funcție de alăptare), apare ciclul menstrual (posibilitatea de a deveni mame) li se modifică perimetrul bazinului (funcția de naștere), toate acestea fiind caracteristici și funcții feminine.
Chiar dacă de-a lungul timpului au existat diferite transformări al corpului femeii, raportul normal al acestuia „mamă –> naștere –> alăptare -> etc.” nu a fost influențat negativ când vorbim de funcțiile corpului feminin.
Educația fizică și sportul are ca scop principal dezvoltarea și optimizarea armoniei corporale în concordanță cu cerințele sociale.
Care sunt acum aceste cerințe?
În ce măsură sunt afectate tendințele de imaginea „falsă” care se datorează promovării excesive a unor persoane care devin în acest fel modele pentru publicul larg?
Este acesta doar un trend, sau începutul unei direcții cu efecte negative pentru specia umană?
Keywords: Armonie corporală, sănătate, fitness, quality of life, New Art of Body Gym – holistic fitness;
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Cluj, UBB Cluj, Bistrița Extension
When we talk about health in opposition to disorders associated with sedentary life, stress or inadequate nutrition, we can say that the imbalance between them affects a significant number of the population of the world, such a worrying aspect considering that most of people live in developed countries with access to education.
In this context we can find two main categories of people:
- Those with normal weight, somatically balanced;
- Those with body weight problems (overweight or obese);
Concerning the first category, some people are natively favored, others manage to reach to a normal body only after they have encountered metabolic problems and have chosen a different way of life than the one that led to the appearance of the problems.
With regard to the second category, a part of the people has overweight or obesity metabolic problems due to their lifestyle and the other part is suffering from diseases from other reasons (endocrinological or native pathologies) that will not be a part of our object of study. In our essay we will only refer to people from the first category and to those who are overweight or obese because of their lifestyle.
There are many factors that differentiate between the two categories, but somewhere there is a breach, although both of them have access to information, education, personal development and are part of the same species.
What lies between the success of some and the failure of others?
Keywords: fitness, quality of life, personal development, sedentary lifestyle, comfort zone, New Art of Body Gym, holistic approach in fitness.
Studiu privind orientarea și optimizarea efortului în fitness (2016)
RUS Virgil , PhD Assist. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Cluj, UBB Cluj, Extension Bistrița
Contact: [email protected]
Orientarea efortului și ajustarea optimă a parametrilor care reglează dinamica acestuia în raport cu obiectivele practicantului necesită adesea o muncă laborioasă din partea antrenorilor care nu de puține ori eșuează prin adoptarea unor metode de antrenament exhaustive sau în dezacord cu efectele fiziologice urmărite. Diminuarea țesutului adipos, ameliorarea forței, creșterea sau modelarea țesutului muscular, îmbunătățirea rezistenței la efort, toate acestea se pot realiza în condițiile în care mijloacele aplicate sunt în acord cu obiectivul vizat.
Cuvinte cheie:
Fitness, orientarea efortului, zone de efort, forță, diminuarea țesutului adipos, modelare corporală, deficit kilocaloric
Repere în raportul dintre termoreglare și efortul fizic (2016)
RUS Virgil , PhD Assist. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Cluj, UBB Cluj, Extension Bistrița
Contact: [email protected]
Adesea putem observa pe aleile din parcuri sau pe pistele amenajate, (pe stadioane sau pe terenurile sportive), persoane (sportivi de performanță sau practicanți ai sportului pentru toți) care folosesc echipamente groase în timp ce aleargă în condiții climaterice care depășesc pragul de confort, situații caniculare, pentru motivul de a slăbi ori de a-și îmbunătăți parametrii de performanță.
Este această metodă eficientă, oportună în vederea ameliorării parametrilor somato-fiziologici?
Cuvinte cheie: diminuare țesut adipos, termoreglare, termoliza, termogeneza, electroliți, efort fizic